Make your Blog Post Standout with Storytelling Techniques

One of the most popular web pages is the About Us page. However, what happens after a visitor has visited your site? Do they stay on the site, contact you for more information or just have a look at the offerings or disappear never to come back again?

One of the greatest secrets of keeping your visitors and converting them into leads is by coming up with a great brand story, one that will be able to grab and hold their attention similar to what a great movie or novel does. In case you are experiencing any troubles coming up with marketing store, you need to try the following storytelling techniques to assist you to come up with a better brand story.

1. Take some time and Prepare

You will be able to use your brand story everywhere in eBooks, speeches, blog posts, networking, sales calls, elevator pitches, and videos and even in your business plan. However, before you embark on writing those materials, you will have to prepare what you want and how you will address it. Why would you want to treat your brand story in a different manner?
You need to write your brand story in the same way you will write the speech or blog post with lots of careful preparation and planning. That will mean that you will verify the details and collect lots of information concerning your brand’s histories such as the personal anecdotes, dates, specific motivations and quotes. The story telling technique will ensure that you have lots of work every time you come up with a story.

2. Figure out on how to tell a great story

All the planning and preparation in the world will only get you to a far place if you do not know anything concerning the art of storytelling. Ensure that your story consists of the basics of emotion, character, and imagery before you refine it.

3. Focus on the Active Struggle

Any story that only tells of what is happening to the protagonist is boring. The stories that will portray a character as the active pursuit of triumph, justice, and love are more interesting since the character will do something. You will be able to keep your audience interested and engaged by focusing on the drama and activity of the story.

4. Ignore the slow parts

Since you will be retelling your brand story repeatedly, you will have to include each single detail every time. Your stories can lose interested by telling them to the wrong audience or telling the parts that are slow at the wrong time. However, you will be able to keep the interest of your audience and preventing the story from feeling sale or old before they are heard by cherry-picking some of the best details for each retelling.
For example, the About Us page might have slower parts compared to the sales call or the ebook since you will have more room to inform visitors who are interested in knowing more details than they can get elsewhere.
You also need to consider each retelling and question yourself if each of the details is critical to help a particular audience know what they want to know.

5. Get Your Brand Story to match the format

Writing for the eye for example eBooks, blog posts, articles, etc., is not the same as writing for the ear for example speeches, videos, sales calls and elevator pitches. Getting your storytelling to fit the format will prevent your story from sounding generic, woolen or rehearsed and it will be able to strengthen the appeal of a different audience.
You need to pay special attention to eye contact, facial expressions, pacing and pauses, tone and volume of the voice and hand gestures when writing your brand story for the audio formats like conversations and videos.
However, you will need to be attentive to voice and style, punctuation, the pace of the story and readability when writing your brand story for text based formats.

6. Regulate your pacing

When you are slow in telling your brand story, the audience will automatically lose interest. However, when you are too fast, they will not be able to keep up with it. It is advisable to speed and slows down your story pace according to the tension it brings provided you will be able to gauge your audience. Pacing refers to the rate at which you are telling the story as a person. However, the storytelling technique is critical in speeches, videos, elevator pitches and sales calls.

7. Ensure it is Personal

Never be afraid of mentioning your problems and failings. You will be able to reveal to the people behind your brand and customers who are interested in doing business with you other people and not the faceless corporations.


Storytelling has quickly been gaining traction in the marketing of different brands as more products continue to battle to come up with great contents that will be able to get the attention of the audience. However, it can be overwhelming if you do not use the right techniques. The methods listed above will ensure all your posts standout.

Author Bio: Emma is an expert WordPress developer having years of experience in working with various web development technologies. Currently, she is working for a leading wordpress website development company – WordSuccor Ltd.. She is a passionate blogger who loves to write and share everything about WordPress and new web design technologies.